Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Manegerial electronics....... :)

The article is resultant of some electronic components with business principles. Being a electronics grad with some managerial studies, I think there are some commonalities. between electronics and business!
Firstly i would like to elaborate on a process. A process takes some inputs to get some output. That means process does some transformation on inputs to provide resultant output. Now how only inputs are going to transform themselves into output? Not possible...right? So, there has to be some components existing which are acting upon inputs. In business we call these as "Resource" and in electronics we call this as "External Power Supply".
In an amplifier 'process' , the input signal is amplified only because of power supply which provides sufficient voltage and current. The transistors, resisters and capacitors (i.e. electronic components) act as resources without which the power only is not going to get output for us. These electronic components are designed in such a way that input flows in proper way with minimum voltage drops and dissipation. Yes, I am talking about the circuit diagram and component values. Now tell me, isn't it analogous to a business process?
In business, the terms are changed but the functions are not.Consider an example of a manufacturing firm which coverts raw material to finished goods e.g. iron ore to processed steel. Important factors acting upon the raw material are manpower, machines and infrastructure(includes place,power etc).We need money for all this so I am not considering Money as a resource. Without all this, output is impossible. So here also Resources and Material are different from each other as input signal differs from power supply electronic circuits.
From all this at least we can understand now why materials are not asset and why an oscillator works with very small input signal. :)

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